My WealthCounsel colleague, Suzann Beckett, offers an answer to one of the most often-asked questions I encounter in social gatherings.
An acquaintance asked me about estate planning, not long ago. They weren't asking for professional advice, they were literally asking if I could explain what estate planning is, and how it might affect them. It's a good question, one that I wish more people knew the answer to.
First, it's worth knowing that estate planning is not limited to the DuPont's and Carnegie's among us. Admittedly, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have amassed fortunes so large as to suggest that significant thought needs to go into the planning of their estates. But estate planning isn't just about money. It's also about security, philanthropy, and control of our own interests.
One aspect of estate planning includes our health care plans. Not only can estate planning help determine our eligibility for Medicaid benefits, it can also allow each of us to issue specific directives about our own future health care. Even if a health crisis leaves us unable to speak for ourselves at some point, our prior planning can provide documentation of our wishes, which enables us to maintain control of our own destiny, even if we are temporarily or permanently incapacitated.
In fact, our estate planning can extend to the appointment of a specific person to act as our health care representative, as well as our desire to donate organs upon your death. It isn't just about our money and holdings. It is in a very real sense about us, as people.
Yes, estate planning allows us to make decisions while in our prime that will come into play even after we are gone (see my previous post about Ben Franklin). And more importantly your decisions are legally binding on those who may, or may not agree with our wishes. Remember, this is your own estate and your own life you are planning to protect.
Beyond health care, estate planning allows us to designate who speaks on our behalf should the need arise. Entering into a power of attorney allows us to appoint the person we trust most to oversee our personal business if we are unable to conduct our affairs ourselves. Many people assume that we must appoint our lawyer when we issue a power of attorney. And you certainly can do that if you wish to. But you can also give that authority to your spouse, or a child, or a close personal friend, or anyone else you wish. A power of attorney is yours to give, or revoke, at your discretion. Estate planning can help you enter into, or terminate a power of attorney, on your terms.
Perhaps the most commonly known aspect of estate planning is the drawing up of a will. But even that can be more far-reaching than most people realize. You have the opportunity to not only decide what happens to your holdings after your death, you also have the chance to establish a trust if you wish to, so that you can provide for the care of a family member, or another charitable cause that is important to you. Trusts can also be used to minimize a tax burden, in some cases. Estate planning can even allow an individual to develop a strategy to avoid probate on some holdings. A practice that allows a well planned execution of our wealth, no matter how big or small, that keeps it all in the family, for lack of a better term – rather than running the entire contents of our lives through the court system before it is distributed to our heirs, or whomever we wish it to go to.
The assumption that only the very wealthy have any need, or the even the option of engaging in estate planning, is incorrect. Almost anyone who has something of value to leave behind can benefit from estate planning. And even those who do not have significant wealth can benefit in terms of health care planning.
Each and every one of us has a unique situation to deal with as we walk through life. There is no blanket answer or master plan that will work for everyone under every possible circumstance. Perhaps the practice of estate planning would be more readily understood of we called it Individualized Planning, instead?
It's worth thinking about, at least.
Many valid issues are raised in this posting. If you have questions related to any of the issues, please call me or leave a comment below, and I’ll get back to you.